
El collar de la princesa
In this part of the Señorita Amarilla series, the Amarilla/Azul family's dream vacation turns into an unexpected adventure involving a crafty thief, a stolen necklace, and a brave cow. Use the song and resources to teach high-frequency phrases such as 'Mírame,' 'Escúchame,' '¿Qué pasa?' 'Rápido' 'Vamos,' and more. It's also a great opportunity to ask personalized questions like '¿Te gusta ir de vacaciones?' or '¿Has visto alguna vez un ladrón?' and more!
A dream vacation turns into an unforgettable adventure when the Amarilla/Azul family arrives at their destination. A sneaky thief, a stolen priceless necklace, and a heroic cow make this story one you won’t forget!
Use this unit to teach high-frequency structures like 'Mírame,' 'Escúchame' '¿Qué pasa?' 'Rápido' 'Vamos' 'Vengo a...' and much more! Take the opportunity to also ask personalized questions like '¿Te gusta ir de vacaciones?' '¿Has visto alguna vez un ladrón?' '¿Te gusta tomar el sol?' '¿Te gusta bailar?' etc...