
Señorita Amarilla
This video unit is a captivating story about La Señorita Amarilla and her encounter with el señor Azul. It's designed to help students learn and practice high frequency structures and verbs such as "Come...", "Habla...", "Escucha..." and others in the context of an engaging narrative. A supplemental worksheet is available for additional practice of these structures and newly acquired vocabulary. Prior to or during the unit, we recommend havin students review high frequency verbs.
This video is a fun story about a very special girl, La Señorita Amarilla and how she meets el señor Azul. With this video students will learn many high frequency structures and practice high frequency verbs like “Come…” “Habla…” “Escucha…” and more! After watching the video make sure to check out the worksheet so that they can practice all of these high frequency structures and the vocabulary they’ve learned! It would be a good idea to have students review high frequency verbs before or while working on this unit (make sure to check out our high frequency verb posters and picture dictionaries!).